Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Obama reacted – late, but he reacted

Food for thought during the DNC 2012.

I do not know his motives. Perhaps it was divine guidance, or the light bulb went off in one of his two neurons, or maybe it was a move to seek the Hispanic vote. What matters is that President Barack Obama responded like a statesman: firmly, surely and without hesitation.

I am talking about the Deferred Action, a sort of provisional -halfway- DREAM Act for two years, and one that keeps Congress from getting involved in the complex issue of immigration.

This represents the solution for many undocumented youth – between 800,000 and 1.4 million – to become, as one of them told me – free. Free to work in their professional fields or to do something as simple as getting a driver’s license.

The political background that this may have, especially two months prior to the presidential election, is important.

Obama’s response to the broken immigration system we have is not a panacea, but it is something. It is the first step in a marathon.

This achievement is the result of the unceasing and very disciplined struggle by some young men and women who fearlessly played all their cards.

Although I don’t much care for Barack, especially because he has been the president who has deported most immigrants, on June 15 he did the right thing: he cinched up his pants and gave free rein to this nation’s hope for the future.

He reacted, a bit late, but he reacted. That is worth a lot. Now let's wait for his speech at the DNC.

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