Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Drop the 'I' word!

It is only small-minded reporters who are out of touch and have only a single neuron spinning in a vastly hollow head, who would use the insulting word “illegal” as a synonym for an undocumented immigrant.

This is socially reprehensible, given that no human being is illegal. It is also grammatically incorrect, as it would be taking an adjective – and by sheer, brute force – making it into a noun.

Many harlequins who think they are very cool use the term “illegal” to identify undocumented immigrants. This is stepping away from journalistic ethics. 

A journalist – unlike this pack of mental pygmies – works on the basis of objectivity, impartiality and investigative independence.
This single-neuron factor is a characteristic among such low-level reporters, who when looking for a couple of quotes, scurry about like sewer rats. Journalists are different. They uncover stories, analyze both sides, and let public opinion decide. They don’t include labels such as illegal to misrepresent the facts or influence collective ideas.

I should point out that these new harlequins are a diverse species: some are as old as tyrannosaurs, and others are as young as smartphones. However, they are brought together by mediocrity and the inability to understand, comprehend and digest the truth.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever, it will be wrong to use “illegal” instead of undocumented immigrant. 

Meanwhile, we must continue to call these apocalyptic buffoons what they are: petty reporters.

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